Thinking of moving on from a HubSpot Contract? Here's what you should know.

    Let's face it–no one wants to end a good relationship, especially when it has worked to help you #GrowBetter. However, there could be a few reasons for you to want to part ways with your HubSpot subscription. If you’ve absolutely made up your mind, we’re here to give you the 7 steps you need to follow to opt out of your contract:

    1. In your HubSpot account, click your account name and then access Account & Billing.
    2. At the top, click the Subscriptions tab to view your subscription details.
    3. Move to the subscription you want to cancel, then click Cancel.
    4. In the right panel, click Cancel renewal.
    5. Review the features that will be affected when you cancel, then select the ‘I understand that all users connected to this HubSpot account will lose access to these features when my current commitment period ends’ checkbox.
    6. Click Next.
    7. Select your cancellation reasons then click ‘Cancel my renewal’.

    But before you proceed, here’s where we try to convince you that you might not want to cancel it just yet. A lot of the time, learning how to manage your account better and getting the right support might just be what you need.

    Here are some common issues Hubspot users face, and how they can be addressed.

    1. You’re unsure about how to use Hubspot.

    Perhaps you are not getting the results you expected even when you’ve done what you think was best, and we hear you! Most of the time, it’s unclear where and when you’ll start seeing progress. 

    By getting more familiar with the Inbound Methodology, you could get insight into what you can improve on in terms of time, work, resources, and attention. The more you understand the methodology and the reasoning behind it, the better grasp you have at being able to set your expectations and delegate the amount of work needed to meet them.

    While it takes hard work for things to progress, spending sufficient time on the strategy, set up and process across all the channels is also of utmost importance. 

    Here’s an example of a process that Digital22 came up with when using Hubspot for their marketing efforts:

    Month one - Strategy

    Examples tasks include: 

    • In-depth buyer persona research and formalisation 
    • Buyer’s journey documentation 
    • SEO audit and fixes 
    • Keyword research across all channels
    • Content audit
    • Style guide creation
    Month two - Setup

    Example tasks include:

    • HubSpot technical setup
    • Google Ads account structure 
    • On-page SEO
    • Landing page design
    • Blog design
    • Create and optimise social accounts
    Month three - The 90-day process begins
    • Attract: SEO, PPC, social and content marketing tactics to attract visitors.
    • Convert: Various forms of content, CTAs and landing pages. Then, analyze.
    • Close.
    • Delight: Nurture customers with superior content, reaching out on social channels and email, up-selling.

    2. Your Hubspot partner agency isn’t much help.

    Finding the right agency is not an easy task. It helps to understand how each agency has made an impact by checking out what ‘tier’ it belongs to. 

    Here’s a rundown of what each tier means:
    1. HubSpot Partner: no HubSpot experience is needed
    2. Silver Partner: manage three to four HubSpot accounts
    3. Gold Partner: manage six to seven HubSpot accounts
    4. Platinum Partner: the agency needs to manage 20-22 HubSpot accounts
    5. Diamond Partner: manage 50 to 52 HubSpot accounts
    6. Elite Partner: manage over 52 HubSpot accounts

    There is, of course, a great agency in every tier. But if you’ve had an unpleasant experience with an agency, try going for a higher tier one. You have much higher chances of getting the support you need in meeting the goals that you’ve set for your company.

    3. You don’t like the product.

    Is HubSpot just not the right fit for your company? Amazing as though we think it is, you might be right. 

    There are a number of learning opportunities and ways you can explore its features further that could help you really decide:

    • Familiarise yourself with HubSpot Academy
    • Browse, ask ,and answer questions in the HubSpot Community
    • Visit the HubSpot Help Centre
    • Check out the HubSpot Knowledge Base
    • Attend a HubSpot User Group (HUG)

    Just like most tools, HubSpot is designed to help individuals and companies work more efficiently. With the right strategy and resources, it could push you towards meeting your goals and understanding the market better. 

    Want to give Hubspot another shot? Or maybe you just want to clarify some things regarding your contract? Click the button below we’ll help you!


    Let's talk about your contract