OneCORE On Why We Need Clarity and Focus on What's Important #GCCPartnerStories


    When was the last time we asked ourselves if we are living our lives to the fullest? Perhaps it's been a little difficult, with all the challenges the pandemic brought, it's as if we were forced to tread unfamiliar territories. We took some time to adjust to having our professional and personal lines blurred, and maybe, the results were not always outstanding.

    We've come to be familiar with the term "Languishing" -- a term apparently used to describe our feelings about the pandemic, akin to "feelings of emptiness" or "lack of purpose". 

    But what happens when we can add some clarity in the way we live our lives? That is the question OneCORE has tried to address in their inspiring business model. What if we can spend time and energy on things that really deserve that time and energy?
    We sat down with Coach Pia on an online interview to find out what it means to integrate your personal values with experience and natural talents, in what ways OneCORE can offer this, and how Hubspot has been able to help with their success so far.

    Tell us about OneCORE.

    Hello! Thank you! One core exists for people to be able to focus on themselves.
    Our name one refers to one: Ikaw muna - Just yourself, and your core being able to understand what it is that really matters to you. Integrating your personal values with your experience and your natural talents. That is why our tagline is focused on what matters -- because we want people to put themselves first, self care first before they expect any great impact or productivity in their personal or professional life.


    What kind of services are you offering directly?

    So currently, one core focuses on their two main tracks. The first is the Personal Track wherein individuals come to us looking for the skills and the tools to make better life decisions for themselves. So that track is what we call the personal and retail track because people are coming to us not being paid or sponsored by their company but they are paying from their own pockets. That’s how we’ve started out. Individuals looking for direction, looking for mentors and coaches, that was back in 2009 when coaching wasn't that popular as today.

    The other track is the Corporate Track where we specifically guide people managers. Our forte is any person in the organization who manages other people they don’t have to be managers by rank, by the title, but if they are a team leader or a supervisor, or anyone who takes care of other people, we helped them take care of several aspects: Personal Productivity, especially in these times of the COVID pandemic. People managers have to be responsible not just of tasks and being results-oriented, but the psychological and emotional well-being of their teams, which is unusual. They did not sign up for that.

    A big part of the things that I do at one core having been the founder, the person who brought the strengths finder and GALLUP Strengths to the Philippines more distinctly back in 2015 is using a lot of strengths: work focusing on what’s working, focusing on what people are doing right, and focusing on the unique strengths of people. And so we are able to service our clients whether it’s on their personal life or their professional life.


    It’s great that you have different tracks depending on the needs of the people, cause its not always about yourself but it can also be corporate, working with a business and things like that… In relation to that, what value do you think OneCORE brings to the customers?

    I think in the 12 years that OneCORE has been servicing clients, I’ve seen how we’ve grown. The value that we add today is really being able to pave the way to clarity. Focusing on what matters allows our clients to have clarity both in their personal decision making, day-to-day decision making, and the decision making on a team, a department or an organisation level. They’ve noticed that the clarity framework and the programs that we offer, the experiences that they have in one core, allows them to really spend time and energy on things that really deserve that time and energy taking away all the distractions that the modern day can really sway people to create time for. I call it “real estate space” in your mind. There’s a certain amount of real estate - psychological and emotional real estate. But there’s so many tenants that [live] in our mind and our hearts. What one core is able to do is to say: these are our important tenants, these are the important points for you to do. It’s within your capacity to really influence. Our clients are drawn to that. Focus on what matters and clarity.


    Why do you think what you give in one core is essential to people today?

    Coach Pia: In one core, because of our clarity technology that I write about in my second book called "Focus on What Matters". We are able to help clients do four things: integrate their personal values with their life experience, with their natural strengths, in order to soar and reach for all of the hopes and dreams they have. So those are the four aspects of it. When we put all of those together, a lot of the time it's possible that you have great life experience but you don't have that integration with your natural strengths. Or you have great understanding of your values but you’re not able to integrate that with your skills or competencies or your life experience.

    We’ve noticed that it's important to bring all of those together. Values, life experience, and natural strengths in order to soar and really have that sense of hopefulness that people can have the life that they want. And then I always say, how do you know what the indicators are that you have the life that you want? In all aspects, you will experience compassion, compassion for yourself and compassion for the world. You will experience patience, patience for yourself, patience for the world. You will experience Unity. Unity within yourself, you won’t feel that you’re scattered-- personal unity and unity with everyone around you and lastly, love. Personal love and life for everything that goes on around you, all of creation. So there’s really a natural integration of all of those that is indicative of if someone has clarity in their life or not.


    I think that is more inspiring… What you do comes from knowing yourself more, and that sense of awareness of yourself, because like you said, we already have that strength.

    What value HubSpot brings to OneCORE today?

    So in the 12 years of OneCORE, prior to my stumbling upon HubSpot, everything has been -- there’s no automation, so we did not have a professional way and a distinct way of really understanding the client journeys. So it's very important for us. Again, two aspects that I’ve mentioned: we have individual clients so personal concerns that are bought before us, and we have corporate clients. It's very important that everything is all in one place, that no matter who is in the team, they can access what part of our services or where we are in the client’s journey of this individual or this corporation. What is the update? How are we interacting with them? When was the last interaction we had with them? What is their area of interest? Because they’re clicking on these things that we’re sending out to them.

    [With] HubSpot, we just started last year and it really gives us that grounding that okay, we can-- let’s do what we do best and focus on the here and now while Hubspot is able to take care of the things that are going back to the real estate diba? We don’t have to have all of those of data and rely on just ourselves or rely on excel sheets because it is very easy for us to be able to look into the client intel that we need in preparation for our services.

    How do you think HubSpot can further empower businesses like yours?

    What I love about what HubSpot can do for us is unlike concrete products like a retail product, it's easily quantifiable, you can see that x is their interests and you know that about the client. What HubSpot is able to do is-- because we work in teams, we can all have access to, and share our understanding or best way of servicing our clients because our services are not products, are not retail products. What we are able to do as a team is go and look into not just one person but a lot of us able to share what it is that we think is the next step for our clients. I think also because of the intel in terms of what is that particular human resource business partner because we work with the human resource department of organisations or enterprise, corporations, we are able to see what they are spending their time on in terms of the marketing materials that we are sending them and that really allows us to prepare in advance how to personalize our services and how to add that extra touch of paying attention and really showing the clients that we are listening to them.

    The beautiful thing about that is they don’t even know we are listening because HubSpot allows us to listen without the client knowing we're listening because we can see their activities. So unlike before, you just rely on your sole memory which is at a certain point, what can you remember… sa dami ng clients diba, what can you remember? But HubSpot really gives us this confidence, a real confidence that okay, we’re preparing for this client, let’s look at what’s happening with this client right now and make sure that they know that we are doing our homework and we are truly listening to them. In fact, there are times that they feel like... the insight we have about them because the people in their company are clicking because it's not just one person right? There’s several people in the company clicking stuff that we’ve said over, it provides them with additional information that they didn't know that “are people really listed in sessions about parenting and raising kids?” they didn't know that their employees were interested in that. But because we sent them something over, the human resource department and the learning development department of the company said “mahalaga pala yon.. let’s do something like that”. So we give them extra insights so that we see their expectations.


    It's so great that hubspot helps you do more than your work.. They also give you more opportunities to see beyond what you’re doing. If anyone is interested in availing the services of OneCORE, how can potential customers reach out to you?

    I think I love the fact that social media makes us so approachable. In terms of lists of services, it’s still more complete on our website so that's On Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, we are constantly posting tips that can help people in these very trying times.

    The weather is changing, people are going on holidays because their kids are ending school, we have so many tips on one core. On Facebook, you have the OneCORE. You also have Coach Pia on Facebook. Of course our email is so easy to remember-- contact or you can reach out to the office through our mobile numbers 09175381482.

    I think, ultimately life is too short so its a very important for us to maximize everyday every breath we take, every relationship, every interaction and if there are any questions that you have in life, it's really worth searching for the clarity and investing and finding out what is it about that the clarity that you seek. Because since life is too short, we always want to focus on what matters. That’s all!


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