YGC Cars On the Importance of Service Above All #GCCPartnerStories

    We sat down for an interview with YGC Cars' Sir Johnny Fetalvero, where we learned about the value of good service over amount of sales. "We want to be known as the best in service, not the best in sales," said Sir Johnny, and it's something we've been thinking about ever since.
    What really makes businesses successful? 
    Through a powerful tool like Hubspot, YGC has been able to build better relationships with their clients, and get everyone in the team organized. And with some clarity came a lot of room for innovation, and an overall change in the way things are run.
    Read our interview with Sir Johnny below to find out how innovation has helped them step up their game further, and become the success they are today.
    Hi, Sir Johnny. What is your company's business?

    YGC Cars is a division of the house investment, the holding company of the Yuchengco Group. It houses the non-core businesses. It houses the school business, which is MAPUA; the construction business, EEI; and other small businesses. One of them is the cars division--that’s us. The cars division is where we have all the car dealerships under the house of investments. We call ourselves YFG Cars, for Yuchengco Group of Cars.

    We have 3 brands that we carry on Isuzu and GD, and we have 8 dealerships under our group. All of them are in Metro Manila except one, in Leyte. 

    What services does YGC cars offer? 

    Aside from selling cars, we are actually in the business of maintaining these cars for service. We have regular maintenance that’s normally twice a year. And of course we have our general repairs: suspensions, brakes, or whatever [else]. We call it auto restoration. If you simply want to upgrade your car, change the color or refresh the paint, give it a shine, or add accessories, we can also do those. 

    We also do another kind of service, LTO registration. For when you want to renew the registration of your car or your insurance. We tell our people “Hey, we don’t just sell cars ha, you’re here to serve the customers”. Kasi really, we get customers based on our service. Sabi ko, I don’t want to be known to be the best in sales. I want to be known to be the best in service. It’s service that keeps your customer, not sales. 

    What value do you think your business is bringing to your customers?

    I think for us, our goal is to give them peace of mind when it comes to their cars. If they need anything related to cars, we should be on top of their minds. We want to be their go-to, and we also want them to endorse us. That if somebody says “Uy pare, you know i'm looking for a car…”, [our client will say], “Ah, go to Honda Manila, they will take care of you. 

    That’s the kind of value we want. We want you to experience the joy of owning a car. 

    Why is your business essential to your customers?

    One of our prime customers are the corporate and the SMEs. They need cars for their officers, their people, their sales teams, their businesses, or for logistics. [Like] in Isuzu, during the pandemic, our sales actually improved because a lot of people went into logistics. Another one of our big customers was in the data communication business, because as you know during the pandemic, everyone wanted to upgrade their wi-fi or get wi-fi installed. [The company] had to get additional trucks and utility vans so that they could service more areas. 

    We also had drug companies that expanded their services so they needed new cars for their new teams. Some needed to upgrade their old cars. That’s where we came in. 

    What value does HubSpot bring to YGC Cars?

    Before we got HubSpot, our customer data was all over the place. Some used Google Sheets, some had their planners, and the sales department had their own folders. When sellers come and go, and you need information such as the last point of contact with a client, it won’t be easy to get that kind of information. You would always have to rebuild the information from scratch. 

    We have accounts that we have been abandoned when salesmen resign. That was one of our weaknesses. As if all their efforts with their leads are gone. On top of that, productivity is not monitored. We are only counting the releases, but we don’t see the efforts behind them. And there are so many processes involved before you get to deliver a car. 

    When sales managers would coach sales executives, they would have the SE’s narrate all the activities before they could coach. There are no records. The managers have no basis for coming in to coach. Unlike now, HubSpot ties everything into one place. If a sales executive resigns, the records are intact, all the activities, all the deals of the account are there. 

    The beauty here is that the sales manager sees everything. Hubspot integrated all our records. Whereas before when we had to go to our systems and check our customers from years ago, with HubSpot, it’s easy. 

    How can HubSpot empower your business more?

    Hubspot really came with the most value added. It was the friendliest investment and dealing with GetCre8ive was a very smooth transition. What’s important is both the app and the implementer. [Kasi] kahit gaano kaganda yang app, if you don’t tie up with a good implementor, it could spell the difference between success and failure. 

    As of now, we are around 65 to 70% making full use of HubSpot. Some sales people are starting to see the value in it. But definitely, the managers are happy. Yung mga sales yung natatakot kasi nakikita na yung mga activities nila. But we want to use it in a positive way. Before, we only measured the sales people based on customer deliveries, but now we can measure their efforts. We don't just highlight the end result, but the process they underwent. 

    How can potential customers reach out to you?

    The fastest is Facebook. Just simply type Honda Dealers, Honda Manila, Greenhills, Quezon City, Isuzu Manila, Isuzu Commonwealth, or they can go to our website, ygccars.com.

    Feeling inspired? Watch out for more #PartnerStories soon!

    Listen to the interview