Manila HUG Virtual Meet-up: Sales Automation


    Being in sales can be real exciting stuff. The satisfaction one gets when closing deals, the thrill of building meaningful relationships with clients, the uplifting spirit of being able to provide a great service...But as we all know, these are all just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the sales calls and meetings is the lesser-known bulk of the work: administrative tasks.

    During our first HUG virtual meeting this year, we talked about how we can spend less time doing administrative work, and more time doing what we do best. Through sales automation, we learned that we can save more than 25% of our time in a day by using Hubspot tools that keep track of the workflows and processes.

    Christine Rojas, Straight Arrow's Head of Sales & Marketing walked us through the use of workflows that can help us keep better track of our leads’ life cycle stages, and can automate actions based on those life cycles. She walked us through some of the best practices when using this powerful tool.

    We were also joined by Aaron Soh of Hubspot in Singapore who talked further about Hubspot’s different sales features, and hosted a few group discussions amongst the attendees.

    HUG Manila Sales Automation March 2021 Bevy Selfie

    HUG Manila Sales Automation March 2021

    All in all, it was a great first run for the year! It was also our first time being hosted on Bevy.

    Thanks to those who attended and we look forward to seeing you in the next HUG!😀

    Watch the Recording