Manila HUG 2020: How to Thrive In the New Normal

    The year 2020 surprised us all with a series of unprecedented events that tested our capacity to adapt and thrive amongst the challenges. The global pandemic accelerated our need for an online space where we can communicate, work and prosper at a socially safe distance.

    Fortunately, we were not starting from a blank slate. For years, people have developed ways where businesses, teams, and individuals can fully operate on the Internet. Along the way, we also saw new challenges such as a tighter and more competitive marketplace. In turn, we had to discover alternative means to market and tell our stories, and have them reach the intended audiences.


    The Manila HubSpot User Group (HUG) aimed to address 2020’s challenges and educate its attendees on how to implement a business survival strategy through these means. HUG’s first event, just before the lockdown began, talked about the importance of SEM when attracting audiences in a highly competitive marketplace. The second HUG event, which was done in Zoom for the first time, showed us the vast potential of video marketing for its capability to entertain, inform, and build relationships. For the third HUG event, we learned more about content marketing as a tool for storytelling that also provides a lot of value, influence, and relevance when targeted to the right audience. The fourth and last of the HUG events in 2020 talked about the rise of chatbots and how to come up with a strategy that will improve the customers’ journey.

    At GetCre8ive, our mission has always been to help creatives and businesses transform passions into meaningful, productive work. We’re at the business of helping people think outside the box, with the aim of constant growth and improvement. For us, the lessons from HUG 2020 were spot on. By bringing experiences and innovation together, we were not only able to continue reaching our company’s targets, but we were also able to assist our clients make these transitions themselves. And while the mission is the same, embracing innovation as the core of our work equipped us with the openness to learn and adjust quickly and effectively.

    2020 was also the year GetCre8ive hired its first Community Manager to handle our online communication as we fully leap our way towards the online sphere. To empathise with our customers in the creative and marketing fields, we came up with two posts whose goal was to encourage them to imagine what a better “Normal” looks like. Through this, we invite more people to heed innovation’s call to re-contextualise our goals and continue giving value as we go through the many unexpected challenges of the times.

    As we wait for things to unfold in 2021, we can only hope that things get better on a global scale. For now, we hold onto this hope by equipping ourselves with the tools that can help us continue to thrive as an individual and as a nation.


    To see some of the key insights from HUG 2020, you may download the following recorded graphics:

    HUG 1: SEM/SEO

    HUG 2: Video Marketing

    HUG 3: Content Marketing

    HUG 4: Chatbots