Monday Webinar Recap: Enhancing Creativity & Marketing

On August 7, 2024, GetCre8ive hosted an insightful webinar titled "monday for Creatives & Marketers: Boosting Marketing & Design Projects." The event brought together marketing and creative professionals from various industries, offering them a closer look at how can revolutionize the way teams collaborate, streamline processes, and achieve their goals more effectively.

Opening Remarks and Overview

The webinar kicked off with opening remarks from Rotem Snyder, Channel Partner Manager at Rotem provided an overview of, emphasizing its rapid growth in the Asian and Philippine markets. He highlighted how is not just a project management tool but a work operating system (Work OS) that empowers teams to manage their workflows, collaborate seamlessly, and innovate continuously. Rotem's insights set the stage for the rest of the event, demonstrating the platform's potential to transform creative and marketing operations.

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Success Stories: in Action

Following the overview, the audience was treated to three inspiring success stories of companies that have successfully integrated into their workflows:

  1. Canva: Canva used to automate and streamline their processes, allowing them to unify their various ad-hoc processes into a cohesive system that fosters creativity and efficiency.

  2. Farfetch: Farfetch leveraged to bridge the gaps between their various tech stacks, breaking down silos and enhancing collaboration across teams. This integration allowed Farfetch to operate more cohesively and efficiently, ultimately boosting their productivity.

  3. VML: As an agile agency, VML used to accelerate project timelines and improve their responsiveness to client needs. The platform's flexibility allowed VML to stay ahead of the curve, delivering high-quality work at a faster pace.

These success stories provided tangible examples of how can be a game-changer for creative and marketing teams, showcasing its versatility across different industries. Walkthrough: A Creative Playground

The highlight of the webinar was an in-depth walkthrough of, led by Gavin Watson, the APJ Lead for Creatives, Marketing, Retail, and Manufacturing at Gavin demonstrated a sample workspace with boards tailored to the needs of marketing and creative teams. He illustrated how teams can collaborate effectively, keep processes aligned, and maintain the necessary separation of tasks when needed. Gavin's walkthrough was a powerful showcase of's capabilities, leaving the audience with practical insights on how to apply the platform to their own projects.

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Q&A Spotlight: Expert Insights Unveiled

The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session featuring panelists Gavin Watson, Rotem Snyder, along with Ley Castillo and Sarah Medilo from GetCre8ive. The panelists addressed various questions from the audience, including the best app integrations with, how quickly teams can expect to see improvements after adopting the platform, and advice for businesses just starting out with The discussion provided valuable insights and practical advice, further solidifying the platform's relevance and effectiveness.

Creative Takeaways: A Vision for the Future

Czarina Año-Agullana, Fractional CEO of GetCre8ive, delivered the closing remarks, leaving the audience with three key takeaways: unleashing creativity, boosting efficiency, and transforming pain points into success stories. Czarina emphasized that is more than just a tool—it's a catalyst for change that empowers teams to work smarter, not harder. Her inspiring words resonated with the audience, wrapping up the webinar on a high note.

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Overall, the "monday for Creatives & Marketers" webinar was a resounding success, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding of how can elevate their marketing and design projects. With practical insights, real-life success stories, and a deep dive into the platform's features, participants left equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to take their workflows to the next level.

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